Prof.Mamdouh Nassar was born in Cairo. He has graduated from Biology (Zoology, Botany, and toxicology) Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University. He has received his M.Sc. degree from the same University. He has completed his Ph.D. degree (Channel system) from University of Maryland College Park (USA) and Cairo University. He spent many studies for field of sleeping sickness and Malaria diseases of vectors Stomoxys calcitrans and Anopheles in USDA Florida, Jazan and Jeda. Staff member program, University of Maryland College Park, USA and King Abd-Alziz, Univ. Jazan, and King Khalid Universities. Mamdouh Nassar was worked at laboratory staff, for dietary Microbiology at Environmental system service, Beltsville, USA. He was also the consultant advisor at home care Company and Al-Nasr chemicals Company. He appointed acting Dean Faculty of Science, Cairo University and appointed Vice Dean of postgraduate studies & Researches, 2013 to 2017. He is Author of many Biological Scientific books published at German Share House Lambert 2015, Introduction to invertebrates AlHandasa publisher, Jazan University, Book College of Entomology Alfagala publisher and Book of General Biology. Author and Editorial Board for many peer-review manuscripts, around world USA, India, South Africa , Bulgaria, Saudi and Iraq. He indexed in Scopus citation and H-index, Google scholar and Research gate. He spent many times through project to study control of malaria diseases vectors with Collegian in Jazan and Jedah region of King Saudi Arabia. He supervised many of graduate M.Sc. and Ph.D. Thesis of many Countries. Scientific Publishers. Mamdouh Nassar has received several honors and awards from many Universities, Institute and Embassies.