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Welcome Message

The “12th Environmental science and pollution control congress” will take place on July 15-16, 2024 at Chicago, USA and is open to all eminent scientists, young researchers, business delegates, academicians, presenters and students from around the world. With this conference, Environmental scientists and researchers,Environmental NGOs and Academics will learn new skills and techniques to apply regional Environmental science and the latest pollution control methods more effectively and safely.

About Conference

About confertence

Conference Series llc LTD  takes immense pleasure to extend our warm welcome to invite all the participants from all over the world to attend The “12th Environmental science and pollution control congress” will take place on February 22-23, 2024  at Zurich, Switzerland and is open to all eminent scientists, young researchers, business delegates, academicians, presenters and students from around the world. With this conference, Environmental scientists and researchers,Environmental NGOs and Academics will learn new skills and techniques to apply regional Environmental science and the latest pollution control methods more effectively and safely which will entail lively debates, prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Workshops and Networking opportunities around a core of plenary and concurrent sessions based on essential topics in the Pollution Control sector.

Pollution Control 2024 conference is organizing with the theme of “Global Challenges, Local Actions: Navigating Environmental Crises”

Conferences on pollution control are events where experts, researchers, policymakers, industry professionals, and other stakeholders gather to discuss and address various aspects of pollution prevention, mitigation, and management. These conferences serve as platforms for sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, presenting research findings, and discussing innovative solutions to environmental pollution challenges.

Conference Series llc LTD   organizes environmental conferences series 1000+ Global Events inclusive of 500+ Conferences, 700+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publish 700+ Open access journals which contains over 50000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.


Young Scientist Benefits

·         Our conferences provide best Platform for your research through oral presentations.

·         Share the ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors.

·         Young Scientist Award reorganization certificate and memento to the winners

·         Young Scientists will get appropriate and timely information by this Forum.

·         Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development

·         Award should motivate participants to strive to realize their full potential which could in turn be beneficial to the field as whole.

Pollution Control 2024 Conference is a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. The conference is all about promoting global health issues and advanced technologies used to control and regulate the pollution. This conference includes various types of pollutions, human impact on the environment, pollution risk assessment, advanced control methods.

The Conference brings together experts, researchers, scholars and students from all areas of Basic science, Chemical engineering, Earth and planetary sciences, Ecology, Environmental science, Environmental toxicology, Bioremediation and Public health, Occupational and industrial safety.

One of the major trends in the market is the development of new and improved air pollution control systems/equipment with enhanced reliability and reduced power consumption; for instance, development of an optimized wet process that has higher desulfurization efficiency and improved limestone injection.

According to the report, increased demand for power is one of the major factors driving the market. Coal-based power plants emit a large volume of harmful gases into the environment. This has created the need to install and adopt air pollution control equipment in plants. The analysts forecast the Global Air Pollution Control market to grow at a CAGR of 6.47% over the period 2014-2019.

Analysis of the Global Air Pollution Control Equipment in Energy and Power Market finds that the market earned revenues of $7.27 billion in 2010 and estimates this to reach $9.69 billion in 2017.

Sessions & Tracks

Track 1 Pollution


Pollution is a grievous change in the physical or characteristic of air, water and soil that may ruinously impact the life or make potential prosperity risk of any living being. Pollution is one the genuine troubles looked by world today. Contamination is the nearness of a poison in nature and is frequently the after effect of human activities. Contamination detrimentally affects the earth. Creatures, fish and other amphibian life, plants and people all endure when contamination isn't controlled.  Pollution is the presentation of contaminants into the condition that makes hurtful and lethal impacts living things. Contamination can appear as synthetic substances or vitality, for example, commotion, warmth or light. Contamination is frequently delegated point source contamination or non-point source contamination. Clamor contamination, soil contamination and light contamination also are the harming nature at a disturbing rate. Things as straightforward as light, solid and temperature can be viewed as contaminations when brought falsely into a situation. Air contamination is by a long shot the most destructive type of contamination in our condition. Air contamination is cause by the harmful smoke produced via autos, transports, trucks, trains, and industrial facilities, to be specific sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Lethal contamination influences in excess of 200 million individuals around the world. In a portion of the world's most noticeably bad dirtied spots, babies are brought into the world with birth deserts, kids have lost 30 to 40 IQ focuses, and future might be as low as 45 years in view of malignant growths and different sicknesses.


Types of Pollution

Environmental Sustainability and Development

Pollution and Health Effects

Pollution Control Technologies and Devices

Waste Management and Treatment

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal |




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 2 Environment


Environmental sullying began in light of growing the amount of businesses and due to making miserable damage to earth that is used for consistently human needs. There are some piece of factors causing the natural defilement like motor vehicles, businesses thus on. One of the worst issues that the world is confronting today is that of ecological contamination. It is expanding as time passes and making grave and hopeless harm the earth. Ecological contamination comprises of five essential sorts of contamination to be specific air, water, soil, noise and light. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), discharged from iceboxes, climate control systems, antiperspirants and bug anti-agents cause extreme harm to the Earth's condition. This gas has gradually harmed the climate and exhausted the ozone layer prompting an Earth-wide temperature boost. To put it plainly, ecological contamination only made by human, negatively affects the biological community. It also wrecking critical layers of it and causing a considerably progressively negative impact on it.


Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2019 | Climate Change Conferences 2019 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2019 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal |




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 3 Climate Change


Environmental change, additionally called a dangerous atmospheric deviation, alludes to the ascent in normal surface temperatures on Earth. Climatology- The investigation of Climate and its connection to plant and creature life. It suggests that it is critical in numerous fields including horticulture, aeronautics, drug, herbal science, zoology, topography, and geology. Changes in Climate influence the plant and creature life of a given region. It is also imperative in numerous fields, including horticulture, flight, medication, organic science, zoology, topography, and geology. The climate system consists of five interacting parts: hydrosphere (water), cryosphere (ice and permafrost), atmosphere (air), biosphere (living things) and lithosphere (earth crust and upper mantle).


Manifestation of Climatic Change

CO2 Capture and Sequestration

Endangered Species and Forestry

Causes and Effects of Climate Change

Earth Science and Climate Change Policies


Risks of Climate Change

Climate Change Challenges

Regenerative Agriculture to Reverse Climate Change

Climate Changing Cloud Heights

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2019 | Climate Change Conferences 2019 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2019 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada




Track 4 Global Warming


Most researchers concur that the Earth is in reality encountering increasing temperatures, and many trust that people are increasing this Global Warming pattern. The probable impacts of a worldwide temperature alteration won't be constrained to one nation—or even one mainland—and will penetrate pretty much every part of the earth and of life. Potential impacts recorded here are only a bunch of those talked about in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) 2007 report raising ocean levels are the most widely recognized concern; occurring with a warm expansion of the seas—an after effect of water atoms growing in hotter temperatures, expanded precipitation, and the softening of mountain ice sheets. Since all waterways have shifting shapes and sea water tends to expand contrastingly relying upon its beginning temperature, the adjustment in ocean level isn't uniform over the outside of the Earth. In the twentieth century alone, ocean levels rose 0.17 meters forecasts for the following century go somewhere in the range of 0.18 to 0.59 meters. While littler projections would probably have just moderately unassuming effects, the higher projections could affect low-lying beach front networks.


Waste to Energy

Green Processing and Solar Energy


Environmental Engineering

Sustainable Energy Policies

Advanced Materials for Energy Storage

Solar & Wind Energy

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2019 | Climate Change Conferences 2019 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2019 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 5 Green and Renewable Energy


The energy obtained from geothermal heat, sunlight, tides, algae, rain, wind and plants comes under Green Energy. These are basically renewable energy sources. It is efficient power energy primarily includes normal energise procedures with practically little or zero contamination. Anaerobic absorption, elective vitality, geothermal power, intermittent occasion control,  little scale hydropower, biomass control, wind control, wave control, and numerous sorts of atomic power has a place with the efficient power vitality.


Renewable energy source requires normal procedures that are endlessly recharged. It includes water, geothermal heat, wind, tides, sunlight and different types of biomass. This Energy cannot be depreciated. And it is constantly recharged. It includes hydroelectricity/micro hydro, wind power, solar power, and biomass and bio fuels. Sustainable power source originates from non-customary vitality that is constantly recharged by characteristic procedures. It's pulled in a lot of consideration inside the on-going past because of weariness of petroleum products and inside the post for exchange vitality for a perfect and green future.


Green Processing and Solar Energy


Environmental Engineering

Sustainable Energy Policies

Advanced Materials for Energy Storage

Solar & Wind Energy

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2019 | Climate Change Conferences 2019 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2019 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 6 Recycling & Waste Management


The disposal, collection and transportation of wastes products, garbage and is known as Waste management. Waste management offer verity of solutions to recycling products that don’t belong to trash.


The process of converting waste materials into some new materials is known as Recycling.  The wastage of useful materials can be reduced by recycling thus it reduces energy usage, air pollution (incineration) and water pollution (from landfilling).


Waste Management Techniques

Solid Waste Management

E-Waste Recycling and Management

Recycling Market

Thermal Waste Recovery

Effect of 3Rs on Climate Change

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2019 | Climate Change Conferences 2019 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2019 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 7 Bioenergy and Biofuels


Bioenergy is the single biggest sustainable power source today; giving 10% of world essential vitality supply. It plays a crucial role in many developing countries, where it provides basic energy for cooking and space heating, but often at the price of severe health and environmental impacts. Biomass, a sustainable power source got from natural, for example, wood, crop waste, or trash, makes up 4.8 % of total U.S. energy utilization and around 12 % of all U.S. sustainable power source. Wood is the biggest biomass vitality source. In the U.S., there are as of now 227 biomass plants working. In the U.K., 35 are working.


A biofuel is a fuel that is delivered through contemporary organic procedures, for example, horticulture and anaerobic absorption, as opposed to a fuel created by topographical procedures, for example, those associated with the arrangement of non-renewable energy sources, for example, coal and oil, from ancient natural issue. Biofuels are delivered from living creatures or from metabolic results (natural or sustenance squander items). So as to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain more than 80 % sustainable materials.


Bio hydrogen

Green energy and green power

Solid biomass

Sewage biomass



Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2021| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2021 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 8 Bioremediation


The conversion or degradation of toxic substance to less toxic substance or non-toxic substance by the use naturally occurring microorganism such as bacteria, yeast and fungi is known as Bioremediation. Bioremediation can be classified as in situ or ex situ. The treatment of contaminated soil or water at its location is known as in situ bioremediation. Whereas the excavation or pumping of contaminated soil or water before the treatment is known as ex situ bioremediation. Bioremediation can occur naturally or can be induced by the addition of Oxygen, fertilizers, etc., that will help in the growth of pollution-eating microbes. The involvement of plants in the bioremediation of pollutants is called as phytoremediation. The uses of various types of plants to destroy, remove, transfer and/or stabilize contaminants in the groundwater or soil is known as Phytoremediation.


Biodegradation of Emerging Contaminants

Bioremediation Implementation Practices

Application of Bioremediation to Complex Sites

Innovations in Bioremediation Technologies

Characterization and Remediation of microorganism

Advanced Tools for Assessing Bioremediation

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2021| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2021 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 8 Environmental Chemistry & Engineering


The study of natural and biochemical phenomenon of nature especially which is impacted by humankind's activities is known as Environmental chemistry. It should not be confused with green chemistry, which seeks to reduce potential pollution at its source. It includes the study of heavy metal contamination of land by industry. And also nutrients leaching from agricultural land into water courses, which can results to algal blooms and eutrophication.


Methods of Environmental Analysis

Environmental modelling

Toxicity and Ecotoxicity

Soil Pollution and Remediation, Solid waste Disposal

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2021| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2021 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 9 Oceanography and Marine Biology


The branch of science which deals with the study biological and the physical aspects of the Ocean are known as Oceanography. It is basically  Earth science which includes ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, and geophysical fluid dynamics; plate tectonics, waves, geology of the sea floor and also the fluxes of the of different chemical substance and physical properties in the Ocean and its nearby area. Marine biology or Oceanography basically works on issues such as environment balance, costal management, pollution, alternative energy and weather forecasting. It also involves discovering drug research resources, finding solutions to habitat destruction or developing solutions to limit invasive species. Nearly 50 years ago, less than two decades after the rise in commercial plastics production, plastics contamination in the marine environment was first reported when less than 50 million metric tons were produced annually. Global production of plastics exceeded 300 million metric tons per year in 2014. The heat content of the ocean decides the temperature of the surface of the ocean and influences the level of the ocean and streams. As ocean level ascents, flooding turns out to be more successive along the coastline. In recent decades, ocean levels of barometric carbon dioxide dissolving in water have turned out to be more acidic.


Biological Oceanography

Marine Pollution

Marine Engineering and Technology

Coastal Oceanography

Ocean Biogeochemistry

Physical Oceanography

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2021| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2021 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 10 Geophysics and Geo-technics


Geophysics is basically a natural science under which physical properties and the processes of Earth are studied. It also includes the study of surrounding space environment. In it the use of quantitative methods for their analysis is used. Its practical applications include exploration of mineral deposits. Also the subsurface structures can also be mapped which helps in the investigation of pollution and landfills. To tackle the Ecological issues, Natural Geophysics comes into play under which standard of geophysics is used. It incorporates Hydro geochemistry, Environmental Mineralogy, Soil Mechanics, Hydro geophysics etc.


The interpretation, acquisition, and the use of Knowledge of the Earth’s crust and earth material to overcome the engineering problems  by the use of engineering principles and the scientific methods is known as Geo-technics. Geo-technics is very useful at the early stage civil engineering project. It helps in the prevention of environmental risk due to human activities and other risk management.


The issue of human activities related to radioactive waste management has become a topical issue throughout the world with the development of nuclear energy application. Like Uranium mines and their inseparable satellites – radioactive waste repositories. The content of hazardous substances that migrate by air, dissolve into water bodies, or filter into groundwater differs from ordinary mine waste repositories. So, here comes the role of Geophysics and Geo-technics to overcome these problems.


Structural and Civil Engineering

Tectonics and Crustal Evolution

Geotechnical Engineering


Soil Mechanism


Coastal Engineering


Global Geophysics

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2021| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2021 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 11 Geosciences


The scientific study of natural geologic system and Earth is known as Geoscience. The investigation and the study of water, soil and Earth’s minerals are done. It also includes Environmental Geochemistry, Hydrogeology and Geomorphology. The application of geologic knowledge to identify, remediate and prevent the environmental problems that result from human activities is known as Environment Geology. The quantitative understanding of Earth system working and the current state evolved can be studied by the use of the tool of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, and chronology is done by Earth Scientists. Some Earth scientists are using their Earth knowledge to locate and develop mineral and energy resources. Two major geological subfields are Volcanology and Seismology. These sciences can assist in predicting the dangers and mitigating the effects of natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and landslides.


Structural Geology and Tectonics




Engineering Geology

Physical Geology


Environmental Geology

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2021| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2021 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 11 Green Nanotechnology


Green Nanotechnology basically refers to the use of nanotechnology applications to improve the sustainability of processes that produce negative externalities in the environment. It also refers to the use of nanotechnology products to improve sustainability. It includes making Green Nano Products in support of sustainability and using Nano - products. The development of clean technological products to minimize or to stop the risk to the environment and living health due to nanotechnology product and also to encourage the replacement of existing products with new, more environmental friendly Nano products throughout their lifecycle. As a result of recent technologies, Green Applied Science has been depicted to mitigate potential environmental and human health risks related with the production and use of nanotechnology products and to enable the replacement of existing Nano - products. This technology provide the ideal nanomaterial for the treatment wastewater, surface water, ground water and other environment material contaminated by inorganic solutes, toxic metal ions, microorganism and organic solutes.


Nano sorbents

Bio-inspired Nano-materials and their Applications

Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy Production

Pollution Sensing and Detection

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2021| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2021 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada


Track 12 Ecology and Ecosystems


The branch of science which includes the study of interactions among organisms and their surroundings or environment is known as Ecology. The study objective is to analyse interactions among various organisms and their interaction with the abiotic components of environment. Ecology is the logical investigation of the relationships that determine the spread and wealth of living beings. Foreseeing and maintaining or adjusting the dissemination and fullness of different creatures are the essential goals of common asset management. The convincing administration of standard biological communities is based on natural information. An ecosystem is a community of living organisms that interacts as a system together and also with the non - living things of their environment. The energy flows via nutrient cycle and these biotic and abiotic (daylight, atmosphere, water, soil, minerals, etc.) components are interconnected together. Foreseeing and maintaining or altering the dispersion and fullness of different forms of life are the essential goals of normal asset management. The sustainable management of common environments is based on natural learning. There are different ways of study like theoretical studies, studies that monitor relevant ecosystems over long periods of time, studies that examine differences between ecosystems to clarify how they function and direct manipulative experiments.


Ecological Design and Ecological Engineering

Ecosystem Habitats

Marine Ecosystems and Conservation

Watershed Ecology

Restoration Ecology

Hazardous Waste

Pollution Control Conferences | Pollution Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2021| Pollution Control Conferences 2020 USA |  Pollution Control Conferences 2021 Europe | List of Pollution Control Conferences | Upcoming Pollution Control Conferences| Climate Change Conferences | Climate Conferences | Global Warming Conferences | Climate Change Conferences 2020 | Climate Change Conferences 2020 USA | Climate Change Conferences 2020 Europe | List of Climate Change Conferences | Upcoming Climate Change Conferences




Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) | Earth Liberation Front (ELF) | Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN) | Environmental Investigation Agency | Environmental Justice Foundation




Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) | Delhi Greens (NGO) | Environmentalist Foundation of India | Himalayan Welfare Organization, Pahalgam | Pragya India | PoovulaginNanbargal




Arizona Game and Fish Department | Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality | California Environmental Protection Agency | California Department of Pesticide Regulation | California Department of Toxic Substances Control



Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society (FAPPS), France| Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan| World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations| Society for Environment and Education (SEE), India| Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), Belgium| California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California| Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Canada

Market Analysis

The global air pollution control systems market size was valued at USD 66.54 billion in 2017 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.0% by 2025. Favorable government regulations, along with alarming levels of pollution, are encouraging the adoption of these systems. Rising population levels and growing respiratory issues in urban areas are also expected to contribute significantly to the growth of the market. Extensive research in devising solutions that can cater to the ever-increasing consumer demand for clean air has resulted in the development, promotion, and adoption of air purifiers and treatment units.

Rapid industrialization in several developing and developed countries has substantially contributed to the pollution of the environment. Unregulated emission of chemicals into the atmosphere has rendered some industrial towns and suburbs unfit for human habitation.

Description: U.S. air pollution control systems market

According to the State of Global Air 2018 published by a collaboration between Health Effects Institute and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s Global Burden of Disease Project, approximately 95% of the global population resides in areas exceeding the World Health Organization’s guideline for healthy air. Nearly half of the world’s population lives in areas that do not meet the minimum levels of PM2.5, set by the WHO.

Research and exploration for alternative solutions are on across the globe, in addition to several sustainable cleanliness initiatives. From the onset of the last century, rapid industrialization has exerted considerable pressure on regulators and governments, making it difficult for them to effectively control pollution. The potential environmental and commercial effects of these government decisions can be significant, as witnessed during the 20th century. Rampant industrialization also led to widespread pollution, which was an unforeseen result of ineffective industrial air pollution. Financially viable options are being offered to service providers and investors to encourage them to comply with federal and environmental regulations.

Application Insights

By application, the market can be divided into chemicals, iron and steel, power generation, cement, and others. The iron and steel segment was valued at USD 13.27 billion in 2017 and is the second-fastest-growing application segment in the market.

While power generation is expected to witness the fastest growth through 2025, the chemical segment is also slated to present lucrative opportunities for players, particularly manufacturers of basic chemicals, specialty chemicals, consumer chemicals, and niche chemicals.

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Description: The Grand Library - BI Enabled Market Research Database

Product Insights

Scrubbers emerged as the dominant product segment in the air pollution control systems market, with a share of over 18.0% in terms of revenue in 2017. However, catalytic converters are poised to overtake this segment by the end of the forecast period. Scrubbers are systems that use numerous liquids to eliminate particulate matter and gases. The atomized liquid used carry pollutant gases and particles to efficiently remove them from the gas flow.

Description: Global air pollution control systems marketTo learn more about this report, request a free sample copy

Electrostatic precipitators also form a key component in air pollution control systems. The power generation industry, including coal, fired plants, thermal, or steam power plants, widely use electrostatic precipitators owing to stringent government regulations, environmental laws, and surge in air pollution levels in various operations.

Regional Insights

The Asia Pacific is projected to dominate the global industry in terms of revenue by 2025. Strong economic growth, along with high production rates, is expected to help China in maintaining its position as a global economic superpower. Large-scale investments in core industries such as chemical manufacturing, power generation, and mining are projected to augment market growth.

The European market consists of countries such as the U.K., Spain, Germany, Italy, and Russia, along with other Eastern and Central European countries. In 2017, Europe was the second-largest market in terms of revenue, accounting for 31.78% of the global market. This is owing to efforts taken by various governments to control steadily deteriorating air quality.

Air Pollution Control Systems Market Share Insights

Industry participants are focusing on the development of new and more effective distribution channels to enhance existing market penetration. Large market players with a global presence account for a greater share in the overall market and are concentrated in the Asia Pacific and North America. The top five global manufacturers account for over 50.0% of the global revenue, with China and the U.S. controlling a substantial part of the distribution and manufacturing business. Players monitor industry developments and adapt to changing trends and strategies to maintain their position in the market.


Past Report

Past Report

Pollution Control 2022 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled topics related to the field of Pollution Control. The highly exalted conference hosted by Conference Series LLC LTD was marked with the attendance of renowned and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 20 countries around the world. The conference has tried grounding every aspect related to Pollution Control and Environmental Science, covering all the possible research areas and crux.

The conference aimed a parallel rail with theme “Accelerating Innovations for Environmental Sustainability”. The meeting engrossed a vicinity of cognizant discussions on novel subjects like Renewable Energy, Green Energy, Green Architecture, Green Nanotechnology, Bio-fuel and other allied areas of Pollution Control. The conceptual and applicable knowledge shared, will also foster organizational collaborations to nurture scientific accelerations.


We are thankful to all our speakers for encouraging and supporting us to conduct the conference and catapulting the same to pinnacle of success.

Conference Series LLC LTD is prerogative to thank the Organizing Committee Members, Keynote speakers, Chair and Co-chairs on transcribing the plenary sessions in a diversified and variegate manner to make this conference an enviable artefact.

5th International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable would not have reached the pinnacle if not with the support of International, multi-professional steering committee and coordination of the Expert Opinion on Environment Pollution and Climate Change, Journal of Environmental Research, Journal of Water Pollution and Control; hence, we express our deep sense of gratitude.

After the successful completion of Pollution Control 2022 we are glad to announce our next upcoming conference which is going to be held in Rome, Italy.

“The “12th Environmental science and pollution control congress” will take place on February 22-23 at Zurich, Switzerland with the theme “Global Challenges, Local Actions: Navigating Environmental Crises”

Mark your calendars; we are hoping to see you soon!

Let us meet again @ Pollution Control 2024

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 15-16, 2024

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Day 1

Past Conference Report

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